Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio
“Connective Thread/ Hilo Conector” aims to create an intentional space for Latina power to thrive through reflection, community building and resource sharing.  The exhibition, by Colombian-Minnesotan artist Adriana Gordillo and a collaborative piece with Nena’s Atelier, explores Latina power through what covers, protects, and adorns the body: clothing and accessories. It draws on intergenerational memory and the strength of the artist’s all-women family: Adriana, her grandmother, mother, and aunt, and their bonding through sewing, an undervalued art form considered a craft, mere domestic labor. Scroll down for a detailed description of the pieces included in the exhibition."
Curated by: Dr. Carla Manzoni 
Working together to bring this project to life!
¡Trabajando juntos para llevar a cabo este proyecto!​​​​​​​
En las fotos (arriba, de izquierda a derecha): Paola Evangelista, Sandra Lucía Castañeda, Carlos Mario Mejía Suárez (abajo, de izquierda a derecha): Amparo Asturiano, Paola Evangelista, Sandra Lucía Castañeda, Adriana Gordillo, Carlos Mario Mejía Suárez, Adriana Gordillo.
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